Easy Tips to Stop Sugar Cravings for Real



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Want to finally, stop those sugar cravings? Here are some tips to help curb cravings. Learn simple tips to beat sugar cravings. But cutting back on sugar can be tough, especially in the beginning. Learn how to curb sugar cravings for good.

Easy Tips to Stop Sugar Cravings for Real

Lowering your sugar intake is among the best things you can do for your health. It can lower your cholesterol, help you lose weight, give you clearer skin, help manage Type 2 diabetes, and give you more energy.

When you first cut back your sugar intake, it may seem like your sugar cravings are all you think about. Breaking a sugar habit is hard through willpower alone.

Let’s discuss ways to lower that sugar intake today.

Don’t Keep Sugar Temptations in the House 

Keeping sugary foods around the house makes breaking a sugar habit harder.

Nobody has unlimited willpower. You can only say no to that chocolate bar so many times before you give in to temptation.

It’s easier to say no to sweets once at the grocery store than to say no to sweets fifteen times at home.

By removing the temptation from your home, you reduce the amount of willpower you must exercise daily and set yourself up for success.

Eat More Fruit Instead of Refined Sugar

Fruit is great for satisfying your sugar cravings without eating processed sugar. Although fruit contains natural sugar, it also has plenty of fiber, which helps control your blood sugar levels.

However, the natural sugar fruit contains does add up, so it’s best to limit your fruit intake to 2-3 servings per day. Instead try to add in sweeter vegetables, like sweet potatoes.

Don’t Deprive Yourself Completely of Sugar

Going cold turkey on sugar works for a few people, but for many, it leads to a sugar binge. To avoid this binge, allow yourself to have a few portion-controlled treats each week.


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The key to stopping at just one sweet treat is to focus on quality over quantity. Instead of buying a giant bags of cheap sweets, have a slice of cake from a bakery or a bar of your favorite chocolate.

If you’re seeking to completely cut out processed refined sugar, reduce your sugar intake gradually.

Get Some Exercise to Curb Sugar Cravings

When you exercise, it reduces your stress levels. This is important when cutting back on sugar, because high stress levels may lead you to reach for sugary foods.

The exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous to have a positive effect. Even a brisk walk can help reduce your stress levels and keep you on track. 

Learn to Distinguish Cravings from Hunger 

It can be hard to curb sugar cravings when you aren’t fueling your body properly.

When you have a craving, you may feel like you are starving, but this isn’t always the case. You may be seeking a specific food because you’re stressed, bored, or upset, rather than because you are starving.

To determine whether you are truly hungry or simply having a craving, ask yourself if you would eat eggs, carrots, or an apple, or if you only want sugary foods.

If you only want sugary foods, find something to take your mind off of eating until you are truly hungry. 

Let’s Discuss How to Stop Sugar Cravings!

How do you stop and finally beat your sugar cravings?

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Simple tips to handle sugar cravings.

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